Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Manzanas y Miel (Apples and Honey)

L'Shana tova.   Here in Costa Rica (along with our fellow menschen all over the world) we are ringing in Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.  We dipped apples and challah in honey, lit the candles,and enjoyed a delicious meal (made even sweeter by the fact that I did not cook it myself).
Those funky glasses make the candles look like Jewish stars!

We were joined by David, a fellow math teacher at our school.   As a bonus, Marina got some special help on her math homework after dinner!

Everything was going just swell until Benji took us all down in a rousing game of Texas Hold 'Em.  I've got to stop betting against my 11 year olds!

Tomorrow, we head to shul (synagogue) at Congregacion B'nei Israel, where the kids are studying Hebrew and Jewish culture, and are beginning preparations for their  not-so-soon- that-you-should-make-plane-reservations B'nai Mitzvot.  Happy new year!

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