Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Birthday Text from Claro

Steve has a secret girlfriend who texts him all the time.  Her name is Claro, and she is relentless, offering him to double his minutes, win a trip to Miami or free tickets to see One Direction.  Of course the texts are all in Spanish, so it takes us a while to figure out it's just the phone company for the 8th time each day.

So I was surprised to receive a text from Claro which read "Happy birthday Ilana.  Claro would like to offer you a free massage, one dinner on us, and some help cleaning the house.  It's your lucky day!  Claro que si!"

I was amazed that Claro knew my name, my birthday, and that the text was in perfect English.  I mulled over the text, frustrated by the fact that I just didn't understand the system enough to collect on my free stuff.   I was so excited about it, I told the kids what I got, and Marina began to giggle.  Turns out, I should have read the number on the text.  My daughter is a sneaky one!

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