Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bumper Cars and Busty Broads after Church

The carnival rides are located in the park outside the church, but you can't buy your tokens until mass is out.  Then, the streaming masses (pun intended) pour out onto the precariously designed pirate ship and the carousel.   Ice cream and cotton candy flow freely.  At noon, school children parade around the plaza inside of gigantic, creepy costumed characters.  (At which point Marina commented, "Let's go home!") The heads of the grotesque caricatures are paper mache and kids' actual heads pop out where a stomach would be.  Very "Alien II".

Not my photo, but this is the carnival and our local church!
I wish I had a camera with me, because the juxtaposition of the church crowd walking past the carnival ride decorated with an airbrushed bombshell sporting only suspenders and tight shorts was really a great contradiction of terms. 

We certainly enjoyed the bumper cars, despite the near-whiplash that Steve inflicted upon his wife and children.  

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