Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Feeling A-salted

Our house is clean as a brass button, but the food in our casa is like eating off the sea floor.  Every meat is cooked until it resembles jerky... but at least I don't have to cook it!  Steve commented that we could take the meat, and walk around in the wilds for days without worrying about it going bad. 

Tonight, we had salted sausage.  Isn't sausage already salty enough?  Apparently not.  Vir called me as she made our dinner and said, "You're out of salt."   I bought a one pound bag two weeks ago! 

I set out peanut butter and jelly; and bologna with cheese for sandwiches, and asked Vir if she could put them together.  In the freezer later, I found a week's worth:  twenty American cheese and jelly sandwiches!

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