Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Blatts in Panama: Panama City, Causeway, Casco Viejo and Canal

The Panama Canal and other Cosmopolitan Delights  
Panama City wins the award for our favorite Central American Big City! There are so many vibrant spots to visit. We spent more than five days exploring the beautiful sights.

The Canal
Of course we had to go to the Panama Canal and get a load of the huge ships pulling into the locks –veeeeery sloooowly.  It’s a cool process, and we all enjoyed the museum that explored canal history.  The kids liked the virtual ship’s cockpit, where they got to steer the ship through the locks!  “This is you captain speaking. Please pay attention to the fasten seat belt sign. We’ll be cruising at 2 meters above sea level,” Benji says.

We picnicked in the parking lot of the picturesque Causeway; the restaurants were way too pricey! But the views of downtown were spectacular.

Mall Intent
We went shopping at three different malls in search of soccer shoes for Benji---the prices are so much lower here than in chichi Costa Rica.  And of course, on New Year’s Day, we went to see the new Star Wars flick, Rogue One – Our young critics gave it two thumbs up!

Panama City Waterfront
Three times we visited the City’s waterfront boardwalk with incredible views and great seafood at the Mercado de Mariscos ----(Mmmmmm—gigantic shrimp-langostinos).  We gobbled down hot dogs and snow comes and marveled at the pretty freworks on New Years’ eve. Great people watching!

Old Town – Casco Viejo
The Casco Viejo was a hot, hot, hot day of touring, but we relaxed in the shady squares and all was perfect.  We popped in and out of churches and visited beautiful squares, and milled around the local food art crafts stalls and gaped at the modern, beautiful Panama City skyline in the distance.

Benji writes: “At one of the historical squares, we stopped for a couple of sodas. This was a nice, cool break from the heat. This was funny because we had to reach up to this guy’s window to get our sodas.  He would occasionally peeked his head through the barred window in a very Onceler-like fashion.   Another highlight was the tall, picturesque obelisk located at the French Plaza.

Meanwhile, we searched fruitlessly for a Laundromat.  True. We stink. But we love Panama City!

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