Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Blatts in Panama: Buddies in Boquete

Some say that Boquete is the Shangrii-la of Panama, with it's cool air, pine trees, and small town beauty.  For us, it's an excellent place to visit friends.  We sat behind Erik and Janine’s family farmhouse and drank gin and tonics by their little lake, soaking in the fresh air and sunshine. We ate a yummy hot-dog and chips meal (with fresh milk from their dairy farm) and planned to meet up the next day to visit and hike at their newest coffee plantation
It was a fun and bumpy drive in a 4x4 ATV to view the new plantings, ripe red coffee berries and gorgeous vistas. We hiked around for several hours through the woods and really enjoying relaxing with friends in this bucolic place.
It happened to be Shabbat that evening and we were invited by the local Chabad rabbi and his wife to a Shabbat dinner in this remote town. It was funny because we went through the local Jewish baker and she told us where their house was. Apparently, every Jew that comes through Boquete and wants to go to Shabbat goes through her first. They joked that she is always the first synagogue in the town. Jews in Boquete? Who’d a thunk!

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