Thursday, July 23, 2015

Tranquil Waters and Wildlife at Manuel Antonio

During our third breakfast, our final morning in Manuel Antonio, the Squirrel Monkeys (mono titis) came to visit.  The jumped from tree to tree, racing across roofs, and scaling barbed wire.  Their antics were accompanied by the tune of Mission Impossible playing in my mind.

We then went to the National Park of Manuel Antonio where we saw a howler monkey ten feet away before we even entered the park.  Once inside, we were greeted by a deer, a couple of sloths, many lizards and iquanas, Capuchin monkeys down by the beach, giant grasshoppers, and a marauding band of raccoons that nearly walked away with our lunch.

What suprised me the most was that the bay of water inside the park was completely tranquil that afternnoon.  We soaked in the placid waters bobbing up and down like happy little buoys.  This was very different from the beach outside of the park, which had crashing waves that the kids boogie boarded for hours two days earlier.

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