Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mud Baths and Horny Red-Eyed Tree Frogs at La Fortuna

After a roundabout drive to tranquil Princesa de la Luna Ecolodge (due to mudslides that took out the road) we arrived with the Vasalik family ready to enjoy the wet, humid jungles near Arenal Volcano.

At the lodge, local naturalist, Wilmer, led us down the gardens, past mango and papaya trees, down, down the mud-drenched steps to a small waterfall, where we grabbed the smooth mud from the bottom of the pool, and slathered it on our bodies.   We rinsed off in the cold river and the natural, mineral-water filled swimming pool.   It sure was slippery fun!

Birds do it.  Bees do it.  Even red-eyed tree frogs do it...
Kenny and Peter, our Bellevue friends spent hours spotting blue jean dart frogs and a pair of amorous red-eyed tree frogs.  They played Magic, the card game, with our kids, and hiked about in the rain.

We ate almost every night at  Soda Osiris  near the town of El Bosque, 6k before La Fortuna.  Great casados of fried plantain, chicken, and the ubiquitous gallo pinto (rice and beans!)

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