Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Orosi Valley and JMUN

Orosi Valley never fails to please.  You can't beat the view from the Mirador--free and gorgeous...just watch out for the sharp wire I stepped on accidentally in my flip-flops.  No matter.  Steve has a TV MD.  His medical knowledge, gleaned from watching 1000 episodes of ER is extensive, as you can see in the photo: apply pressure and elevate!  Sure hope I got that tetanus shot....

In the evening, we traipsed through the coffee fields to the local (Free!) "Jacuzzi" in the river, where you can stew in the hot water with a lot of drunk guys and their unattended children.  Lots of fun!

Tapanti Park is marvelous, hiking to the cool river and enjoying the warm boulders for basking.

Orosi is only 1/2 and hour from Cartago, and just an hour and a half from San Jose.  It's an easy day trip.  You should go!

In other news....Benji won Best Delegate at his Model United Nations conference at the Lincoln School last weekend!  He wrote a resolution and passed it, representing Russia and taking on prison reform.  Way to go, Benji!!!!!!!

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