Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bar and Bat Mitzvah Magnificence

We feel blessed to have shared this special ceremony with friends and family from far and near.   On March 19th, Benji and Marina read from the Torah from the portion Vayikra.  With poise and thoughtfulness, they spoke about their thoughts on the portion and read and chanted in Hebrew.   Granny, Grandma Evey, Papu Al, Aunt Tmarah and Aunt Arielle and Jimbo all came in to support the kids and share some celebrations with us!

On Thursday, the kids wrapped tefillin for the first time, and wore their tallit as they read from the Torah, elevating them to adult status in the Jewish community.  Our congregation here at B'nei Israel in Costa Rica is so supportive, and Rabbi Dario really helped the kids to learn and understand the process.   We celebrated for days, and now have about 20 pounds of lasagna in our freezer.  (Come visit, we'll defrost a slice for you...)

After Saturday's big event, we enjoyed the company of family and friends at a lunch at the shul.   We enjoyed the friends who stopped by Saturday evening, and also spent a few days showing our family Poas volcano, the beach, and downtown San Jose.

We are sooooooo proud of these awesome kids.

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