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Up until recently, I thought the terms "resplendent", "magnificent" and "elusive" were exaggerated descriptions of Costa Rica's resplendent, magnificent and elusive Quetzal bird. They are not hyperbole. They are accurate accounts.

We stayed the night in San Gerardo de Dota at El Manantial Hotel. At 5:15 in the morning, rather than wasting time looking for birds, we went out in search of SUV's and minivans and were happy to find them clumped on the side of the road about 3 km up from our hotel, where a sign for our hotel and Trogon Lodge read "Trogon 3K" There, crowds of binoculared tourists pointed and oohed and ahhed. We joined the crowd, and lo and behold, a quetzal landed right overhead. People with cameras whose worth could feed a small country snapped shots better than ours, but our eyes had our fill, spotting more than four or five quetzals in the next hour. Two of the quetzals were just hanging out in the trees of the blackberry and cow-pie ridden property across the street from our hotel!

We also fished in the unfairly easy, stocked pond at Hotel Las Cataratas, where they fried up our delicious trout for dinner. We all agree that it was yummy, but the experience was not without pain, as the kids learned and shed some heartfelt tears over concussing and killing an innocent fish.

Overall, a powerful experience. Thank you bird and fish.