Thursday, January 29, 2015

Costa Rica: Land of Rainbows, Unicorns and Fireworks

Okay, the title is misleading and perhaps even mendacious.  There are no unicorns here.  The rest, however, is entirely true.

Our high rise looks out over the expansive valley of San Jose.  Several nights a week, we hear the boom! bam! of fireworks exploding on the horizon; over the soccer field, over the party venue near our home, and frequently, over the Walmart. 

                                                                           The fireworks displays are so common, that when I run on the balcony and yell "Hey kids!  Fireworks!"

I usually hear, "Yeah, Mom, I can hear them.  I'm working on my homework."

Also, due to the misty rain and ever-present backdrop of clouds illuminated by sunshine, we are graced with frequent, glorious rainbows, multiple times a week, often right before sunset.  In the same spot on the horizon, we see a vertical prism; a swath painted on the sky.   It's like having some kind of Disney backdrop behind our living room couch.

When you've got fireworks and rainbows, who needs unicorns?

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