Saturday, January 31, 2015

Benji and Marina's Excellent Adventure at Rincon de la Vieja

As a highlight of their 6th grade year, Benji and Marina went to Outdoor Adventure camp this week with their Country Day School class.  The destination was Rincon de la Vieja National Park.

They hiked to a giant waterfall, played in mud baths, did a zip line/canopy tour, bathed in thermal pools and returned home sleep deprived, bug bitten, and thoroughly exhausted.  According to Benji, "It was one of the best experiences of my life."

La Cangreja waterfall

We hiked for 5-10 boiling hot hours playing games and chatting

The send-off
The "Long Hike"

Breakfast of Champions
Hot Spring

After  along hike the cold water felt good
We got to see a very hot lake

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