Friday, October 24, 2014

Feliz Cumpleanos a Benji y Marina (Happy birthday, kiddos!)

At 1:37 in the afternoon, much to my daughter's mortification, Steve and I burst into her classroom, blowing whistles, ringing bells, singing the birthday song and passing out cookies.  Her math teacher, Mr. Rosenberg, who was in on the shenanigans, projected photos of Marina as a baby onto his Smartboard.  Chaos erupted.

We repeated the crazy process in Benji's math class at 1:39, the 12th anniversary of his birth.  Our twins were sufficiently embarrassed and pleased with the events.

This morning they had breakfast in bed. (As you can see, we were running a touch late.  Benji was already up, showered and in his uniform.  We made him get back in bed so that he could be properly feted.) Tonight we dined on sushi. (Indeed, the seaweed had been brought with much prescience all the way from Seattle.)

Twelve years ago . . . the time is flying!

Happy birthday, kiddos!

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