Friday, January 8, 2016

Blatts in Guatemala: Market Day in Chichicastenango

If you wanna buy ethno-plunder like it's going out of style, get yourself to Chichicastenango on a Thursday or Sunday.  As the day wore on, the streets became so crowded with vendors that it became difficult to remember how to get back to that stand where I saw the "authentically hand-sewn" bag I had my heart set on. (I did find it in the end!)

The scariest moment (from a parental perspective) was when Marina stepped on a grate in the street and her leg slipped through the gap in the metal bars.  While all of the bystanders panicked, Marina calmly removed her shoe and deftly pulled her leg back out, without missing a beat.  What a trouper!

Plan on ponying up for the real deals, but the machine made crap is easy pickings, and most stuff goes for a few bucks.

There's a brightly colored cemetery at the end of the road; the flower vendors on the stairs of the church are a photographer's dream, and don't miss the hot cornmeal papusas filled with cheese and topped with cabbage and hot sauce!

Steve left his favorite REI towel in a hotel here, but fortunately, as this is a  popular spot on the tourist trail, we found fellow travelers who picked it up for us when they went there!

Leave a trail of bread crumbs if you plan to try to make it  back to your hotel.

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