Sunday, November 22, 2015

Guy Fawkes Comes to Costa Rica!

Who brought the marshmallows?   This last weekend we celebrated the family-friendly Guy Fawkes weekend on Jaco Beach.  The fun and games culminated with a fireworks display and a burning in effigy of the British rebel, Guy Fawkes.

In an astonishing show of over-competitiveness, the Blatt Longs swept the competitions.

Ilana won (yes, won!) the entire darts competition (which is pretty amazing considering more than one dart flew mysteriously into the bushes---but she had some kind of magnetic connection to the bullseye at other times.  Then Steve, Benji and Marina played Rounders, it's a lot like baseball, but muddier. Steve was MVP for adults as he hit two back to back bases loaded homeruns!  Benji was the kid MVP, for amazing work as the catcher opposite his dad, the pitcher.  Marina was the winning team's captain for the Rounders game. She put almost all of the grown ups and older kids on her team, including Benji and Steve. Go team Fighter Knights!

The boogie boarding on that beach was fairly good.  And the pool and general environment of Club Del Mar, with the scarlet macaws flying overhead, was lovely.  Thanks to John, the organizer and the Brits who forgave our insurrection a few years after Guy Fawkes attempted his. 

Ilana wins the Darts Championship!

Truth or Dare... Hmmm

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