Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Orosi Valley and Tapanti National Park

Holy hand grenades, Blattman.  This spectacular valley is just outside of Cartago--a hop, skip and a jump away from San Jose!

We drove into the sleepy, rural town of Orosi, just past Paraiso and noticed a poster on the bakery bulletin board.  We were just in time for the rodeo!  We headed back toward Ayala Campo, where the grounds host weekly events, and spent a rip-roaring couple of hours enjoying down home bronco ridin'  and horsey musical tires.  Then about a hundred or so crazy locals got into the ring with a charging live bull---yes, just for kicks (literally).  We enjoyed the whole evening until the ruthless wrastling of one unfortunate bull.  That was when we'd had enough...

Early in the morning, we headed into Parque Nacional Tapanti, where we meandered along the verdant trails that wended toward the green river.  We played all day on the rocks and jumping into tranquil pools of pristine, cool water.

Before we headed home, we checked out the Mirador.  Wow, what a view.  We loved this area, and we'll definitely be back soon!

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