Sunday, June 7, 2015

Volcan Barva or Avatar's Pandora?

Crater lake at Barva Volcano
 The cool, wet air provided a welcome comparison to the damp forests of the Cascade mountains of our home state of Washington.  But we were in Volcan Barva in Braulio Carillo National Park, Costa Rica!

Of course, the rain came down in pounding buckets around noon. (It is rain season, after all!)  But the mist and fog were beautiful as they rolled in to cover the Avatar-esque trees.

Red Bromeliad Epiphyte
Directions:  Head to Heredia, and keep driving north.  In the tiny town of Sacramento, the road turns to dirt, and you'll need a 4X4, especially in the rain season. There is parking at the ranger station, and a small stand with good coffee and bad empanadas.

The whole hike takes 2-3 hours.  Don't miss the overlook above the first crater lake.

 It's cool up there, so bring sweatshirt, boots and rain gear.

A very weird, spiky plant.
Benji ponders the universe...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

J Lo and Prince Meet Steve and Ilana

Prince and J Lo on the Red Carpet
When Steve and I heard that Hollywood was the theme for our staff party, we knew exactly who to invite.  I got out my celebrity, A-lister phone book and gave a call to my good friends Jennifer Lopez and the Artist Formerly Known as Prince.

The stars were happy to be invited to a Country Day School function.  They danced all night and partied with the CDS staff.  Prince really liked the beef medallions and Ms. Lopez was thrilled to dine on asparagus and tender roasted turkey.  They went straight to her very fine, stuffed, booty.

The pair easily clinched the "Best Hollywood Couple" prize and won gift cards to the grocery store.  Keep an eye out at your local Walmart where the celebrities will be redeeming their prizes when they buy their favorite staples:  oatmeal and peanut butter and jelly, of course.

Marina Violin, Benji Cello Concert

The kids had their Spring String

Marina played eight songs with her fellow violinists!

Benji is the last, remaining cellist student at school, and he got to play some duets with his teacher.