Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Accolades for All

Ilana sang with all the dramatic flair that we'd expect of her.  Her beautiful voice and passionate delivery brought audience members to tears.

As part of the Bnei Israel choir, she performed with an orchestra composed of disadvantaged kids from one of the poorest neighborhoods of San Jose.

The performance told the story of Israel, from the war of Independence to Ilana's passionate song about Jerusalem.

This morning, Steve and a friend climbed the mountain Pico Blanco.  It was a 1900 foot gain, with magnificent views.  There was quite a bit of bushwacking and bouldering involved and Steve returned home stinky, muddy and elated from all the fresh air and stunning views.  For next Sunday, he's organizing a group of hombres to do another hike in the hills behind Escazu.

Benji was nominated this week to be a member of the National Junior Honor Society.  The recognition is based on his grades, his leadership, his community service work, his participation in school activities and his tall stature.

Marina won three metals in her first swim meet (see blog below) and she's becoming an excellent violinist.  We only wish she'd close her door when she practices!

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