Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Waves, Sunsets, Monkeys and Boogie Boarding at Manuel Antonio

There's nothing like catching he perfect wave on the perfect beach during the perfect sunset.  We hit the trifecta this weekend, with waves at the right height, a magnificent sunset, and a soft sandy beach.  

"Stunning" does not adequately describe the loveliness of Manuel Antonio and Bejuco beaches.  We spent many a happy hour over our 3-day, Valentine's/ President's weekend (Thanks, Prezzies!) We relaxed, jumping into the frothy waves, bouncing on our boogie boards and admiring the splendor of an orange and pink sunsets.

We also wandered around the busy national park at Manuel Antonio, where we saw howler monkeys, a gang of spider monkeys entertaining the crowds and countless families of paparazzi-seeking, brazen, white-faced Capuchin monkeys, preening and wrestling away the afternoon.  Leaf cutter ants and iguanas ubiquitously inhabited every nook and cranny that wasn't growing, swinging, or slithering.  At one point, creepy, long green snake crossed our path. A lone sloth hung way up in a tree, moving just enough for us to peek at his teddy-bear face. 

The beach.  Oh, the beach.  Come on down.  You'll see what I mean....

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