Monday, July 14, 2014


All the pieces are finally falling into place. The jigsaw that is our preparation is nearly complete.  Our rental house is finally sold.  Rascal has a devoted caretaker.  Cars are sold.  Country Day School has found us nice housing only a 1/2 mile from the school.  And, we've recently found great renters for our Phantom Lake house.

And so we celebrated during our annual party, Blattastic on Saturday, August 12th with friends and family.

The kids played a myriad of games, organized zealously by Marina and Benji.  There were sidewalk chalk drawing competions, three-legged races, faces thrust into whipcream in the search for M&Ms, and the ubuquitous summer favorite, the water balloon toss.

On the adults side, aside from a rousing game of Volleyball, there was drinking, eating and lots of conversation.  The food was spectacular and culminated in S'mores around the campfire.

Thanks to everyone for sharing in our summer celebration.  We hope to see you all next year, in Costa Rica.