Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Reign of Dogs at Territorio de Zaguates

Written by Benji Blatt

This Saturday we went to Territorio de Zaguates and we had a really great time! Territorio de Zaguates is a shelter that takes in stray or abused dogs and gives them food, a place to sleep, and a lot of exercise. It was my second time here, but it's magnificence wasn't lessened at all. We drove up through Heredia and saw that about one hundred people that came to donate, do service, and hike with the dogs for about two hours. We got there and were amazed to see that there were around 750 to 800 dogs and an amazing expanse of acres of beautiful countryside.

The hike wasn't that hard, but it took a long time because we loved to constantly stop, sit down and pet the dogs that would swarm us. Some of the dogs had marks of abuse like brain damage, no teeth, or a cut tail, leg, or ears. However, you could tell that they were all really happy to be with a lot of other dogs and still were very cute despite the injuries and sicknesses.

I think it would be really cool to be one of the volunteers or workers at the territorio because they get to take care of and be around so many of those dogs. It was really fun when one of the guides ran down the hill and all of the dogs would follow in a really fast sprint. I tried running with them once and got knocked over by one dog and nearly got trampled by the rest of the dogs of all shapes and sizes.

It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to go again. Afterwords, we went the the restaurant Posada de la Bruja with our friends and had a fun time there too. Over all it was really fun and we were very happy to give a small donation at the end to support the dogs that reigned over the expanse of hills, mud, a little poop, and smiles. I will never forget the dogs like Rino and won't forget the fun we had with our human friends and our dog friends. I definitively recommend it for people of all ages, who love dogs.

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