Tuesday, May 12, 2015

In Concert with Sifais and Congregacion B'nei Israel

Sunday, my synagogue choir sang a concert of Hebrew music, accompanied by the Sifais orchestra, composed of about 20 talented kids from the Carpio District.   The leader of the program, 19-year old Sebastian, is a violin virtuoso and a true genius in his capacity to lead this incredible program which inspires so many youth.  www.sifais.org

I really enjoyed singing a solo part in Yerushalayim Shel Zahav :Jerusalem of Gold by Naomi Shemer,  which happens to be my all-time favorite Hebrew song.

We also sang Halleluya, Al Kol Aleh, Chai, Heinei Lo Yanum, and even threw a Yiddish and Ladino song into the mix.   Rehearsing and singing with the choir was a blast, and I hope to continue with this fun, energetic and talented group of singers and friends.

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