Tuesday, November 25, 2014

There's a Tarantula in the Pool!

Unlike many of my blog posts, this one is utterly true.

At 6:30 this morning, like most mornings, I trudged down the steep walkway to our tiny, icy, condo pool for my miserable swimming regiment. On my way, I imagined the tentative entry in the frigid water, the monotony of eight strokes, turn, eight strokes, turn, yada, yada.   But when I got there, something was oddly awry.

The first thing I noticed was a bird.  It was an average bird, robin-sized, with brownish fluffy wings.  And a bit on the pudgy side, for a bird, I thought.   It was sitting on the cement, right near the pool edge where I get in.  When I walked closer, it cocked it's head at me.  It did not fly away.  I skirted around it, and still, the bird did not budge.   This unnerved me for certain, but not as much as it unnerved the bird.   Other than the obesity issue, it appeared perfectly healthy.

Not my photo, but this is what it looked like.
So I got in the pool, keeping my eye on the bird and it doing likewise to me.  I figured I'd ignore the bird.  It was really creepy.   I was about to duck my head under  when my morning got exponentially weirder.

Something was squirming on the surface of the pool.  Within moments, I ascertained that IT WAS A TARANTULA!!   It didn't take me long for my chilly, water-impaired body to stumble backwards  and leap out of the pool like a gazelle on steroids.

Yes.  A tarantula.  It's body was nearly the size of my thumb, and it's legs undulated in and out in an octopus-like motion, trying to stay afloat.

You know I'm a bit crazy about my exercise. I wasn't going to let one lousy tarantula get in the way of my morning routine.  I had to get it out of the pool.

I yanked a giant leaf off of a nearby plant and I GOT BACK IN THE WATER WITH THE TARANTULA.  (I hadn't had my coffee yet, and looking back, my judgement ay have been a bit off.)

The flightless bird eyed me suspiciously.   I swatted at the water, making waves to push the giant spider to the edge, away from me and away from the bird.  Now comes the really stupid part where I scooped the tarantula out of the water by grabbing both ends of the leaf, getting under it, and flinging it out onto the pool deck with a shudder.

It uncurled itself and sat there.  The bird was looking seriously anxious, and now rose off it's belly, but still did not fly.

"What the heck," I thought.  "I better get my swim in now or I'll be late for school."   Back and forth eight strokes, turn, eight strokes, turn.  But this swim was different than usual, With every breath, I lifted my head and assessed the status of the tarantula and the pissed off bird. 

Within moments, the condo security guard came rushing to the pool area.  He must have come to investigate the odd goings-on that he was seeing on his security screens.  Here's our conversation (translated fro Spanish, of course)

Him:   What are you doing?
Me:  Is that a tarantula?
Him:  Ah!  Ah!   That's a very dangerous spider!  Don't go near it!
Me:  I just took it out of the pool.
Him:  You took it...you took it out of the pool?!
Me:  Yes.  With a leaf.
Him:  With a leaf!  It's a very dangerous spider!  Don't touch it.
Me:  What's up with that bird?
Him:  It flew into the window.  It will be okay.   Don't touch the spider.  Call me next time.  Don't touch that very dangerous spider!!!!!

I continued to swim, keeping my eye and my prickly attention on the bird and the tarantula, both of whom began to make a very slow escape.

Steve later surmised that perhaps the bird had been carrying the tarantula, was bitten or  attacked by it, dropped it into the pool and then crashed into the building window.  That guy says the craziest things!

Later that day, the guard told us that the bird flew away, and the tarantula, whom I had worked so hard to save, met his maker at the end of the gardener's hammer.   Alas.  RIP.

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