Monday, September 15, 2014

Exploring Cahuita National Park

 The white sand beach stretched for miles. Ticos and tourists alike flocked to the shore on this holiday weekend.  Along the trail, we spotted monkeys and snakes and a distant sloth!   After a three and a half hour drive from San Jose, we were happy to soak ourselves in the warm ocean.  We had arrived at Cahuita, on the Carribbean coast of Costa Rica.

 The undertow is super strong and unpredictable here.  Our attempt at snorkeling was quickly halted as Benji, Steve and I felt like we were being dragged out to sea.  Marina had the good sense to watch from the shoreline.

Cahuita is a lovely, sleepy town, and we enjoyed eating the local catch cooked over a wood fire, and staying at Willie's cabina where we had a cute house to ourselves.

 It was Independence Day weekend, and in the evening, the school kids marched through town with homemade lanterns to the beat of a raucous, booming, drummng band.

We will certainly go back!

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