Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Blatt Family Goes to Costa Rica

By Steve Blatt and Ilana Long

 Our new school, Country Day in Escazu
Costa Rica, here we come!  On August 2nd, we will be getting on an airplane and embarking on our adventure.

Our journey actually began when we headed to the AASSA job fair in Atlanta.   Before the job fair we created a zany, introductory video that went viral among the international school recruiters.  We had requests for interviews before we had arrived.  Then, at the job fair we touted our versatility and passion rather than our experience.  We received offers from four different schools and were thrilled to choose CDS in Costa Rica.  We are excited about the school's good reputation, the good climate, the safety, and the travel opportunities.

The Country Day School is located in Escazu, a suburb of San Jose.  I will teach math and PE, and Ilana will be teaching English literature and writing.  Benji and Marina will both be attending the very same middle school and possibly having us as their instructors!

Rascal, our adorable puppy, is  looking forward to spending time with the Nalebuff family while we are away.  He has requested a menu of Filet Mignon and roasted leg of lamb.

On the weekends, we are excited about heading out into the jungle or to the beach for some adventurous traveling or some serious relaxation.  They say that Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world.  In a little over 4 weeks, we will discover this  land of  "pura vida".